Actions are more important than beliefs.  Judaism - 14 million 
Charitable giving is one of the five main duties.  Islam - 1.5 billion
Desire - for possessions, power and so on - causes suffering.  Buddhism - 376 million
Love of God, love of neighbor, and concern for justice. Christianity - 2.1 billion
Prayers, offerings, and acts of purification are forms of worship.  Shintoism - 4 million 
Non-injury to others, including animals.  Jainism - 4.2 million
Education for the growth of moral judgment, emphasizing benevolent and humanitarian attitude.  Confucianism - 6.3 million
Relationship between individual soul and universal soul is paramount.  Hinduism - 900 million
Earn an honest living, share the fruits with others, and constantly remember the divine essence. Sikhism - 23 million
The purpose of human life is to learn to know and love God through prayer, reflection, and being of service to humanity.  Baha’ism - 7 million

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